
prefects' camp

BY Zeenat Lukie

With hearts filled with memories and minds enriched with leadership skills; prefects’ camp was truly a success.
Our first stop was the Addo Elephant National Park. The seniors were lucky enough to have an unofficial tour guide on board as Casey shared some interesting facts about the animals. Both juniors and seniors had to contain their excitement when we saw a herd of elephants. It was truly a privilege getting to see these magnificent animals up close.
Upon arrival at Zuurberg, we were all dreading the 5km hike up Zuurberg Mountain as we were surrounded by bushes and mountains, with no buildings in sight. After being divided into our groups, we set out on our mission. This gave the two prefect bodies an opportunity to bond as we were tasked with finding a symbol and name for our group, as well as coordinating a little song. After walking for what felt like an eternity, Miss Potgieter had finally had enough and kindly offered to drive us the rest of the way. Most of us managed to squeeze into the minibus transportation and Miss Potgieter strategically dropped us off just before the entrance so it would look like we had walked the whole way.
We settled in and enjoyed a delicious 3 course meal. Thereafter we had our first  learning session, presented by Ms Nerine Loock. It was really eye opening getting to learn about different types of people, as we did a worksheet which split us into groups of blue, green, orange and gold according to our most dominant traits. First, each group was tasked with building a puzzle within a certain amount of time, then we had to build another puzzle except this time with people from other groups. We found that it was easier working with our own colour groups, however the mixed group provided different perspectives and ideas.
We kicked off the next day with a lesson on “Prefectship in practice”, we were taught how to deal with several challenges and situations that prefects often face in carrying out their duties. During the camp we also learnt some helpful listening skills, conflict resolution skills and assertiveness. The prefects quickly realised the importance of putting perceptions, assumptions and prejudices aside when dealing with people as every person is different.
Juniors and seniors alike enjoyed the “Amazing Race” as the groups rushed around the grounds trying to find the pit stops which involved swimming, writing poems, playing Sudoku and creating collages using old magazines.
One of the highlights was when Amee Exford courageously jumped out of the pool to save her towel and clothes from a sneaky monkey. Like a true leader, Amee stood her ground and although the monkey was quite intimidating during their little stare down, she managed to save her clothes. 
The presentation of the Johari’s windows really brought us closer as a prefect body  as we learned more about each other and realised that although we’re all different, we could still find something to relate to in each presentation.
The senior prefects spent their last night huddled up in one room. We realised that anything is possible as 11 girls managed to squeeze onto two single beds. We laughed, danced and talked till the early hours of the morning.
We would all like to express our sincere gratitude to Mrs Stear, Mrs Snyman and Miss Potgieter for giving us this opportunity to learn and grow closer as a team. We look forward to working together throughout this year.

 January 27, 2019
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Zeenat Lukie

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