
Welcome, Miss Mintoor

BY Heather Wilkinson

This year we welcomed our new Arts and Culture teacher, Miss Mintoor.  Miss Mintoor has also taken over the role of Choir teacher for both our junior and senior choirs.  A role which she is honoured and privileged to hold, and a role which she describes as, “the highlight of my week”.


Miss Mintoor feels really at home at Riebeek, and her hopes are that the musical activity will grow in the school.  She hopes her love and knowledge of music will impact the lives of the girls so they can shine and achieve their goals.  She feels the biggest reward of being a teacher is knowing that you have made a difference in a child’s life.  She believes that, “Being a teacher is a special gift as there is no other profession, in my opinion, that requires you to have all the patience, determination and motivation.”


Despite having such an obvious love for teaching, Miss Mintoor did not always intend to become a teacher.  However, this all changed when she received the offer to work and further her studies at the Drakensburg Boys’ Choir School in Kwa Zulu Natal.  This experience shaped her love and passion for teaching, especially teaching music.


We are so honoured to have such a passionate and beautiful soul teaching at Riebeek and we know the lives of the girls at Riebeek will be changed by Miss Mintoor’s obvious love, knowledge and passion for teaching.



 February 08, 2016
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Heather Wilkinson

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