
Grade 7 camp

BY Wade-Lee Muller

This year all the Grade 7 learners together with Mrs Snyman, Mrs Chrysostomou and Mr Jonas went to VCSV in Jeffrey’s Bay for our Grade 7 camp on the 17th of November to the 18th of November 2016. When we arrived at VCSV we met our camp leaders: Tijane, Zonika, Hanna, Gerard and Tarina. They taught us about leadership and that communication is key to becoming a good leader. We enjoyed playing new games such as ‘Mingle, Mingle, Mingle” which helped us develop our leadership skills. There were Grade 8 groups and each group chose a name. The names consisted of: Illest, Triipy Savages, Potatoes, Broccoli, P4R, P.M.D Chaotic Crew and the Llamas. Each group was then given an egg and tasked with making an egg holder and creating an advertisement and pamphlet for our egg holders. Tijane then put our egg holders (made of straws and Sellotape) to the test by dropped them onto the floor. Unfortunately, no one’s egg survived the test. We all had a wonderful experience and a lot of memories were made. On the day we left, we went to the beach to complete the last activities prepared by our teachers. Our two classes were told to make two long lines by using ourselves and any items of clothing and the class who made the longest line would be crowned the winner. Congratulations to 7R who made the longest line and to 7C for their enthusiasm and persistence. For the last activity everyone had to stand in a circle and pass Mrs Chrysostomou’s bottle around between our legs without breaking the circle and without dropping the bottle. After all the fun and laughter our teachers decided to treat us with a trip to McDonalds. The girls were full of excitement and couldn’t sit still, they were singing along to the songs on the radio while they enjoyed their food. The grade 7’s truly had an awesome camp! We thank all the teachers, leaders at the camp and Mrs Woods for allowing us to go on this amazing camp. We all made memories that we will never forget and learnt valuable life lessons!

 November 23, 2016
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Wade-Lee Muller

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