
Letter from the Principal 26 November

BY Administrator

26 November 2021
Dear Parents

This year has again been a very difficult year for us all and we have finally come to the end of the academic year, except for the matrics, who are due to finish on Wednesday 1st December.

I cannot begin to express our gratitude to the staff who have rallied together to excel despite the circumstances. I pay huge tribute to the Riebeek Staff who work tirelessly in the interest of all the girls.

Thank you to the parents of the school for your support. We appreciate your payment of fees in these very difficult times and for the interest that you show in the school and your daughter.

We are indebted to our active and committed School Governing Body members who give much of their time and expertise to the school.

Arrangements for Handing out of Reports:
Reports for the grade 4 to 11 learners will be handed out on Wednesday 15 December from 7:30 to 8:30 in the car park in front of the school. (If it rains, the venue will then be the Sholto McIntyre Hall) We ask that only ONE family member per LEARNER visits the school to collect the report.
The non-negotiable requirements are:
-          Enter through the main gate (the Centenary Gates)
-          Walk down towards the end of the parking lot where the allocated tables are
-          Exit through the pedestrian gate
-          Maintain social distancing at all times
-          Wear a mask
-          Have a pen with you to sign
-          Stick to the correct time

Arrangements for 2022:
 The Department of Education has given no indication as to whether the Covid-19 protocols will continue in the new year. We have therefore planned for both possible scenarios:
·         normal schooling with a normal timetable, where all learners come to school daily.
·         rotational schooling (for certain grades) with a Covid-19 timetable. The junior grades and the Matrics will attend school every day, and the grades 8,9,10 and 11 will rotate on a one day on and one day off basis. In week 1, the grade 11 and 9 learners will attend school on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday and the grades 8 and 10 learners on a Tuesday and Thursday. In week 2, the grades 11 and 9 will attend school on a Tuesday and a Thursday and the grades 10 and 8 on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
More information about this will be communicated to you once we have received instruction from the Department of Education. The girls will receive their textbooks on the first day back at school and in a manner that follows the protocols of the pandemic.
Farewell to staff members:
At the close of this year, we bid farewell to Mrs Anne Peltason, who has had an association with Riebeek for in excess of 40 wonderful years, as she is retiring. We thank her for her unstinting and valued work with her English classes, the SACEE Challenge, the English Olympiad, Evolutio and as Superintendent of the hostel. She has left an indelible mark on so many of her English students. We wish her peace and fulfillment in her retirement, and we hope that she will return often to visit us.
We also bid farewell to Mrs Weidemann of the Senior Afrikaans department and thank her for her vibrant contributions over the last six months. She is emigrating to Australia, so we say Bon Voyage and wish her and her husband great peace and happiness in their new venture.
At the end of October, we bid farewell to Mrs Sandra Gerber who has been appointed as the Deputy Principal of Collegiate Girls’ High School in Gqeberha. We thank her for her massive contribution to Riebeek College in so many of the school’s spheres of life. We did say a formal goodbye to her at the Grade 12 Prizegiving and Valedictory Service.

School Magazine:
The school magazine will not be available in hard copy format this year. The magazine is available on our social media platforms and on our website. Should you wish to obtain a copy of the school magazine, you are invited to contact Mrs Gayle Weidemann at Gale Force Printing and Signage: Tel: 041 922 0101, Cell: 083 447 3907, Email:, Address: 75 Graaff-Reinet Road, Uitenhage.

Subject Changes – Grade 10 and 11:
I again wish to emphasise the importance of subject changes being made as a matter of urgency.  All paper work must be submitted to the Department of Education District Office.  Grade 12s cannot change subjects in their matric year, so this month is the very last chance for Grade 11 learners. 

Subject Choices – Grade 9:
We note with concern that the subject choices made by the Grade 9s may not be in the best interests of the child.  Where a learner is obtaining low marks in Grade 9, it is very unlikely that a sudden improvement will take place in the FET phase where the work is much harder.  Please review the report carefully and assess whether the choices made were realistic.

Stationery Lists 2022:
Note that the stationery lists will be in the school report envelope.  Please give your daughter the best start to 2022 by ensuring she has all the necessary stationery.

The Department of Education insists that learners must return their textbooks or pay for them in order to receive textbooks the next year. Please ensure that textbooks are returned or paid for. We cannot afford to have learners without textbooks in the new year as they will fall behind academically.

The importance of the d6 School Communicator and correct details:
In these uncertain times, it is imperative that parents and learners have the d6 School Communicator. It uses very little data.  Please change your personal settings in the PERSONALISE tab to reflect the new grade your daughter is in in 2022. Please let the school know if there has been any change to your email and contact details as the school must have the correct details. 

Holiday Wishes:
I wish you all a safe time over December. May you all enjoy a blessed Festive Season, a peaceful and relaxing holiday and a wonderful New Year.

Warm Wishes.


 November 29, 2021
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