
York hockey tour

BY Sinovuyo Madlavu

York Tour 2017 was truly one to remember! The first hockey team, consisting of Caydin Nicolaai (C), Lara Naidoo (VC), Sinovuyo Madlavu, Keziah Brandt, Tammy Jafta, Sidney Transell, Anovuyo Singeni, Aphiwe Ngona, Waseema Salie, Aton de Vos, Octavia Johannes, Mikhayla Fredricks and Shannon Blignaut, left Uitenhage for George on the morning of Friday 31 March. We were accompanied by Miss Potgieter, our coach and Miss Balie, our manager who joined us in George from Cape Town. 
On the Friday night was the annual Welcome Braai. This is the night that all the old players look forward to the most as they get to initiate the new players to the team. This year, we had 6 "kids": Aton, Octavia, Mikhayla, Waseema, Aphiwe and Shannon. For the initiation, the seniors dress the "kids" up as a variety of characters and get to just have fun with them. Thanks to Aton, our very own Hulk, for being such a good sport with initiation! 
Our Saturday started very early, as we played the first girls' astro turf match of the festival, against St. Dominics. This was followed by two more games that day, against Pinelands and York. 
Part 2 of the initiation took place on Saturday night. The kids had to spend the rest of the afternoon and night dressed in pyjamas, hair wrapped in headscarves and carrying baby dolls, amongst all the teams, while they watched the matches from the stands. 
On Sunday we played three more matches, against El Shaddai, Pinelands Invitation and Edgemead. Sunday night is traditionally the team night out but because we were playing the night game, we took a team afternoon out between our second and last match instead. We went to the George mall where we had a late lunch/early supper at Spur. We were sad to say goodbye to Miss Balie as she headed back to Cape Town that night.
Our final match on Monday morning was an early one, against Strand. Thereafter, we packed our bags, said our heartfelt goodbyes and headed for home. 
We ended the festival with 4 losses, 2 draws and 1 win. Nevertheless, the weekend was a special one, with countless memories made, new friendships formed and old ones strengthend. Special mention must be made of the defenders: Sinovuyo Madlavu, Keziah Brandt, Waseema Salie and Octavia Johannes for their solid definesive efforts throughout the festival. To Shannon Blignaut, our superstar goalie for her incredible saves, also, to our goal scorers, Lara Naidoo and Caydin Nicolaai and to Anovuyo Singeni for staying strong in spite of injury. 
Most of all, thank you to Miss Potgieter and Miss Balie for taking the time out of their holidays to accompany, coach and look after us all weekend. Also, thank you to the Johannes and Salie families, for making the journey with us and for their unwavering support throughout every match. 

 April 09, 2017
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2017 continued
Sinovuyo Madlavu

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