
Prefects Camp 2017

BY Saneliswe Jikeka
The annual Prefects' Camp was held at Zuurberg Mountain Inn for the prefect body of 2017. On the way to Zuurberg Mountain Inn, a stop was made at the Addo Wildlife Centre where we gained knowledge about a variety of animals. The prefects were divided into 5 groups consisting of both senior and junior prefects. It was with these groups that we made the 5 kilometer hike up to Zuurberg Mountain Inn. Only 2 of these 5 groups made it to the inn by foot. The rest were taken there by the school bus as it was it was raining cats and dogs. Blessings, of course! It was at this camp that the “Prefect body sisterhood” was formed, as we got to know each other better through our presentations of our Johari’s Windows and we realized that we were more alike than different. We learnt about different types of leaderships and we did some introspection in finding out the type of leader we were individually and how we could better our leadership skills. We also learnt ways in which to handle conflict. Teamwork definitely played a big role when the groups competed in #ZeeBee – a modified version of The Amazing Race. Group 1 came out tops having completed the challenges before all the other groups. Caring for others is also part of leadership. This was perfectly demonstrated by Amahle Ntabeni when she took food to one of her roommates, Iviwe Majweta, who was not feeling well. This act of kindness was also demonstrated by our Senior Head Girl, Ambesa Daniels, when she helped Miacarla Tee who was feeling a bit sick after #ZeeBee. Prefect magic was in the air as the body of leaders creatively put together a presentation for the rest of the school. Highlights of the camp include Ammarah “Party Prefect” Allie revealing her party side and dancing in the reception area to popular Rihanna song, Zenande Daniels and her #ZummaimaLeivils, Jessica Schoeman and her speech, Loren Campbell’s lame jokes, Jamie-Lee “Shaquisha” Daniels and a “Go to dd how ‘bout ‘hat” joke that came to life in the Conference room. It was at this camp were leadership was reinforced, a bond was formed, fun was had and memories were made.
 February 06, 2017
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2017 (more)
Saneliswe Jikeka

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