
letter from the principal 5 august 2020

BY Mrs K. Stear

                                                                                                                                  5 August 2020
Dear Parents and learners
I hope you all remain safe and healthy in these very troubling and uncertain times. Many changes in dates due to the pandemic have caused confusion in education circles. Please see our provisional planning and the anticipated dates that the different grades will attend school.
Date                    Grades
3 - 7 August: Grade 12.
11 - 14 August: Grade 5, 7 and 12. We have received permission from the Department of Education for the Grade 5 learners to return to school. Grade 5s will attend school from 7.40 to 1pm. They should enter via the pedestrian gate with a mask on and a pen in hand to fill in the screening form. 
17 - 21 August: Grade 5, 7 and 12.
24 - 28 August: Grades 4, 6, 10 and 8. Matrics to be on study break.
31 August - 4 September: Grades 4, 6, 11 and 8.  Matrics to be on study break.
7 - 11 September: Grades 5, 7 and 9.  Possibly Grade 11 and Grade 12 core subjects, if needed, and possibly some matric examinations.
14 - 18 September: Grades 4, 6 and 9 and possibly one other grade, subject to the finalization of the Matric Trial Examinations. Possible start of Matric Trial Examinations.
21 - 25 September: Grades 5, 7 and two Senior Grades, subject to the finalization of the            Matric Trial Examinations.
28 September – 2 October: Grades 4, 6 and two Senior Grades, subject to the finalization of the Matric Trial Examinations.
5 - 9 October: Grades 5, 7 and two Senior Grades, subject to the finalization of the Matric Trial Examinations.
12 - 16 October: Grades 4, 6 and two Senior Grades, subject to the finalization of the Matric Trial Examinations.
19 - 23 October: Grades 5, 7 and two Senior Grades, subject to the finalization of the Matric Trial Examinations.
School will close for a one week holiday on Friday 23 October and restart for term 4 on Monday 02 November. We anticipate that Grade 10 to 12 will begin the final examinations early in November. 
Term 4 will officially end on Tuesday 15 December, on which day reports for the Grade 4 to 11 learners will be handed out, potentially at staggered times. School starts on 25 January 2021 for educators and a couple of days later for learners. This date is still to be announced. The marking of the Matric papers will take place from 4 January 2021. The Matric Results will possibly be released on 23 February 2021.
I ask parents and learners to please bear in mind that these dates are subject to change due to the changing face of the pandemic.
I would also like to remind parents of the compulsory hard copy collection of homework and handing in of SBA tasks on the following dates from 8.30 to 9.30.  In some cases, SBA tasks will be handed out and it is critical that these be collected. It is vital that outstanding work that was not handed in by absent learners be submitted as per the dates below.  Note that entry is via the Centenary Gates (the main gates) and the exit is the pedestrian gates. 
Hard Copy Collection and SBA Tasks Handing in from 8.30-9.30:
6 August – Grade 11
7 August – Grade 8 and 10
14 August – Grade 5 and 6
17 August – Grade 4 and 9
Grade 9 learners and parents are encouraged to consider subject and career counselling with a psychologist.  Miss Nerine Loock is available for consultations.  Miss Nerine Loock offers comprehensive testing and this can be arranged directly with her by contacting her on 0845156878. The school is creating a comprehensive information booklet on subject choices and the various subjects offered at Riebeek for the Grade 9 learners in order to help them make their subject choice.
The attendance at school by the matrics this week has been impressive and I would like to thank the matrics for their commitment and their cheerful greetings in the morning. We are hosting a Wellness Programme on 6 August with a presentation by Miss Nerine Loock, our consulting psychologist. Thank you so much, Miss Loock. We are in the process of arranging a Matric Celebration on Friday 21 August, as they embark on a study break. We can put parents’ minds at rest and assure you that all the correct protocols for dealing with the pandemic will be observed. Our matrics have had a rough year and certainly deserve something to look forward to.
Grade 4 to 9 work has been significantly trimmed and the SBA tasks form the bulk of their final mark.  It is vital that learners put in the time to make these tasks of an acceptable standard. 
I again wish to stress the importance of communicating with the school. Please fill in Instruction Note 20, under Resources on the d6, if your daughter will not be returning to school when her grade returns and will be home schooling.  Please email this to the school and make contact with the grade head to discuss the Friday collections.  In the event of your daughter missing school due to self-isolation for a period of time, please email the school to let us know and make contact with the grade head.  These learners then qualify to receive the work via a parent collecting from the guard on a Friday afternoon between 2pm and 4pm. 
I wish to appeal to our learners, parents and community to be kind.  In these times of social media and the fear of Covid-19, it is easy to lash out and be hyper-critical.  Let us remember to give the benefit of the doubt, to respect that we are all human and all have feelings.  Let us support each other and be kind, always.  In a recent survey undertaken with our Grade 12s to determine the socio-emotional wellness of our precious girls, it was abundantly clear that there are many challenges facing our Riebeek families.  It is heart-breaking to know the struggles being experienced.  We stand firm in our loyalty and commitment to helping our girls cope as best as possible. 
I once again hope and pray that you will all stay safe and well.
Kind Regards
Mrs K Stear

 August 05, 2020
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Mrs K. Stear

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