
grade 4 assembly

BY Mrs B. Viljoen

The Grade 4’s held their assembly on the 30th of August. They practiced with great excitement and enthusiasm…because they all know that practice makes perfect.
Their assembly had a unique setting and a valuable lesson was to be learnt at the end. Their message they wanted to get across to the junior school was approached as an experiment, called “The Apple Experiment”.
Two apples were used. “Apple A” and “Apple B”. These two apples looked exactly the same in appearance. Nice and kind words were said about Apple A and passed on to the learners – “You are a lovely apple”, “Your skin is beautiful”, “Oh my, what a stunning shade of red you are”. The opposite was done to Apple B. Insulting and unkind words were said to Apple B and passed on to the learners – “You are a smelly apple, I don’t even know why you exist”, “I hate your skin, so pale and dull”, “You are just a stupid little apple”.
Both of these apples still looked perfect on the outside but the same could not be said for how they looked on the inside. When Apple A was cut open, it was beautiful and juicy on the inside but when Apple B was cut open it was brown and bruised.
“When people are bullied, like Apple B, they feel horrible inside and sometimes don’t show or tell others how they are feeling. If we hadn’t have cut that apple open, we would never have known how much pain we had caused it. These two apples represent us as people. If we are kind to one another and build each other up...we feel good on the inside...just like apple A. But when we bully, say nasty things to others and break them down...they get hurt and bruised on the inside. Apple B is a clear example of the devastating effect words / negative words can have on others. This is what happens inside every one of us when someone mistreats us with their words or actions.”
The Grade 4’s ended their assembly off with a cute and catchy song that motivates each and every learner to make our school a “Bully Free Zone”. The lyrics of the chores goes as follow:
“This school right here is a bully free zone and here’s a list of all our don’ts: We don’t hurt bodies, we don’t hurt hearts. Making fun, we don’t take part. We don’t wound others again and again. We show RESPECT 100%”     

 August 31, 2017
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Mrs B. Viljoen

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