

BY Mrs A. Peltason

The show from Marilyn with Love played to a packed audience of appreciative parents, grandparents, younger –and older – siblings, and many friends of Riebeek College. Based around music of different eras in musical history, and built on clever choreographing of movement, using every girl in the Junior School (and their teachers), from start to finish the show was an energetic romp.
Making use of the angelic voice of our own Cathy-Jane Mintoor, who came to Riebeek from teaching the Drakensburg Boys’ Choir, and the thrilling chords and voice arrangements of Riebeek’s Anton Calitz, there was a delightful balance to the evening, the solo performances punctuating and highlighting the offerings of each of the respective grades.
The show opened with a dance and movement presentation of Radio Gaga by one of the Grade 7 classes, introduced by Mrs Woods.  This was followed by Miss Mintoor who gave a charming rendition of Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of Oz.
It was then the turn of the little grade 4s who showed us that it is always Better when I am Dancing, the Meghan Trainor hit, moving to the rhythms with great skill.  Before the Grade 6 group ‘Bieberized’ the audience with two songs, What do you mean? and Sorry, Mr Anton Calitz inspired with a moving version of Say Something. Later the audience joined voices with him in the choruses to the Bob Marley hit Three Little Birds, reminding us not to worry about a thing.
The staff number from Grease was memorable with Mrs Woods and Mrs Stear taking centre stage. For those familiar with the moves of the fifties and sixties, their performance was pretty authentic, as were the side-splitting antics of Danny Zuko in the person of Mr Basil Jonas, and his pretty little Sandy, ably performed by Mrs Theresa Woods. These two really had the moves. The rest of the staff made up the dormitory scene from Grease in an indescribable and bizarre array of bed wear, accompanied by hot water bottles, curlers and teddy bears.
After interval Miss Cathy Jane Mintoor entertained us with a  song from one of Disney Studio’s most famous, recent, animated movies, For the first time in forever from Frozen This introduced the eagerly awaited Grade 5 offering of Let it go, a song by Idina Menzel from the same show.  Very cleverly staged and choreographed, the Frozen episode was a delight to eye and ear, and when rotund little Olaf made his entry close to the end of the song, every anticipation was met: the snowballs, the snow flakes, the highly accomplished Elsa, and her two handmaidens, all rose to the occasion.
After Miss Mintoor’s rendition of Somewhere out there from An American Tale, The Grade 7Rs presented a wonderful visual display to the music of Uptown Funk, which took some parents back a few years, but the piece de resistance was the Michael Jackson clip, featuring The way you make me feel presented by some highly skilled and very talented dancers. Some of the moves and poses were truly unforgettable, and special mention must be made of the virtuoso performance by Jamie Lee Swanepoel, whose MJ impersonation blew us all away.
The finale was a display of discipline and good management with the entire cast successfully repositioned on stage for the send-off. All this was done quietly and with precision. When the show was over there was an air of unwillingness to leave among the audience and it was only after Mrs Woods came out to announce: “That’s all folks. You can go home now”, that the audience reluctantly moved towards the exits.  The show finishes tonight, 21st June, after its third performance.

 June 22, 2016
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Mrs A. Peltason

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