
Costume party

BY Megan Potgieter

On 12 October, our Riebeek Band hosted a Halloween costume party for the first time ever. This was also the band's first performance after gaining new Grade 8 and 9 members. The party was a great way to celebrate the last term and give us one last big celebration before exams.
The hall was decorated with a spooky and scary theme with fake police tape, fake cobwebs, and fake plastic knives being draped in the front and around the hall, and there was even a fog machine to create the ultimate creepy vibe. The tables were also well put together, with small foam tombstones and branches decorating each table.
The acts for the evening were some songs from the band, a performance by two local rappers and dance group, Chronic. Apart from the live music and dances, other party music was played as well so that the crowd could get up and dance, and they definitely danced the night away. The band's performances were amazing for their first time, and made the evening very enjoyable. Another great part of the event was seeing all the costumes everyone wore, and this was definitely proved by the couples costume contest and single costume contest.
The couples costume contest had incredible nominees, but in the end, Zoë Muller and her partner won dressed as Sandy D and Danny Zuko from the movie Grease. They had great stage presence and even learnt the choreography from one of the songs from the movie. Luckily, they got to show off when the nominees were instructed to dance for the crowd. The single costume contest was a difficult win to decide on as well, but because her costume was so identical to her character's, Kayla Deysel won dressed as Harley Quinn.
Thank you to all who attended this lovely event, this sound and lighting crew, the chaperones and Tuckshop helpers, the Media Team for photos and story coverage and Mr Calitz and the band girls for organizing and making sure everyone had great fun at this hopefully annual event. Thank you to parents who assisted, The Cultural Board who supervised and Miss Meyers who stepped in.

 October 14, 2018
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Megan Potgieter

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