
cultural civvies day 2017

BY Carleen Braun

Let’s Wrap on Culture!
“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.” - Marcus Garvey
Wednesday the 26th of April the school was buzzing with many different colours, dress and cultures. Grades 4-12 took part in a wonderful and exciting Cultural Civvies Day. All were excited and many memories were made. Many pupils had dressed up in different cultured attire. The purpose of this annual event is to celebrate the diverse cultural heritage of South Africa.

We had seen many different types of culture not only South African, but cultures from around the globe as well. Ammarah Moolla dressed up as a Japanese doll and Carish Dolf and Genelleen Govender dressed in beautiful traditional Indian wear. Our Matrics looked lovely. Jazlin George interpreted beautiful Ancient Greek attire and Sinoxolo Sango wore lovely traditional African wear. Our teachers participated as well. Mrs Gerber, Miss Potgieter, Miss Hattingh and Mrs Du Plessis wore stunning traditional African wear while Mrs Stark looked stunning in Indian attire, Mrs Skeates was colourful and awesome and Mrs Stear wore a yellow Indian outfit. Mrs du Plessis’ register class were singled out for all wearing civvies day without a single person in uniform.
The day started with Cultural Board members stationed at the gates handing out certificates to learners dressed up and sweets to parents and girls. In the junior school, each participant received a certificate and sweet in class. At break there was a dance off in the hall and a best dressed competition with many finalists as there were so many who had made an effort. It was fun to see the Cultural Board throwing sweets out into the hall, dancing and encouraging a love of culture and respect at the school.
The girls were encouraged to dress up in the culture of their choice and celebrate the diversity, vibrancy and positivity of our country. Mrs Kieran Stear (principal of Riebeek College) said, “Cultural Civvies Day is always an awesome day on our school calendar as the school is abuzz with excitement and oohs and aahs at the creative, colourful and beautiful designs the girls select. The girls love choosing which culture to represent and which outfit to wear and this culminates in a day of celebrating the rich heritage of the school and our country.”
A lot of hard work and effort went into planning this year’s Cultural Civvies Day. A big thank you to Yonela Mapela, Nuraan Kasmed and Monique Balie for organising and planning this year’s event. A huge thank you to Mrs Gerber for being there to assist, guide and offer the girls her awesome ideas, as well as the Cultural Board for offering their help wherever they could. A huge thank you to all the pupils and staff of Riebeek College who participated and made Cultural Civvies Day, 2017 a success.
 April 29, 2017
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2017 continued
Carleen Braun

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