
Quiz Afternoon

BY Candice Rossouw

The Riebeek Quiz event was hosted on 4 October by the Quiz committee of 2020. This was a way of getting Riebeek girls together for an exhilarating afternoon of interaction and teamwork which ties in perfectly with this year's theme which is, "We all stand together".
The afternoon began with the Quiz committee welcoming the groups present. The groups have definitely gone all out when it came to decor and costumes thus representing their group's theme well. Special mention has to be made of The Princesses which consisted of Miss Hattingh and some of the matrics. The dressed to impress in their matric farewell dresses and their eloquent table decor. An ice breaker proposed by Quiz Head of 2020, Mohiba Natha, set the tone for the afternoon as it warmed the groups up for what was awaiting them.
There is nothing like great teamwork and the various groups proved that when it came to answering the varying sections of questions. There were intervals in between the sections of questions and this gave the group members the opportunity to interact with each other. Afterwards, it was back to the drawing board for the teams.
The atmosphere of the event was heart-warming and electrifying as one could witness the evident teamwork. However, it was still a competition and each group was determined to win!
At the end of the event, the winners were announced and awards were given to the winners. The award for Best Decor was won by The Princesses for their impeccable table decorations.
The overall winners of the afternoon were:
1st: Grand Slam Sporties, consisting of Amahle Ntabeni, Zenande Daniels, Carly Erasmus and Linathi Stuurman.
2nd: The Princesses, consisting of Monique Balie, Amy Schambril, Amee Exford, Casey Els and Miss Hattingh.
3rd: The Geeks, consisting of Siyanda Makalima, Iviwe Majweta, Aluve Ndlovu and Ntabiseng Jonga.
The event was a great success and we appreciate those who contributed in every way possible to this event. A huge thank you goes to the Quiz committee of 2020 for organising the event so well and for their endless hours of effort into making sure that this event was a success; Mr Bowles for assisting the committee in various aspects; the girls who assisted the committee in setting up the event; the groups who attended the event and participated so enthusiastically.

 October 14, 2019
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Candice Rossouw

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