
Rumble in the Jungle !

BY Angelique Tee

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart" -Jeremiah 29:13
Friday the 21st April the adventure began. Grades 4-7 from Riebeek and Muir arrived at Sumcay ready to learn about Jesus and have fun while doing it. The SCA Muir and Riebeek were just as excited, ready to create glorious new memories and help the juniors seek God's amazing love. The juniors split into their groups and headed for the main hall where they spent their time playing games and getting to know the leaders. After dinner we were visited by the first lovely guest speaker and hip hop dancer Crystal who taught us that each and every one of us has a unique talent from God and that we should embrace it and let it shine .
Saturday the 22nd, we were all up and ready to take on the long exciting day ahead. The day was filled with dancing, games, smiles, laughs and hearts eager to learn more. The various bible stories and dramas were acted beautifully out by the different leader groups who worked hard to convey the special messages to the juniors. The big afternoon game was 'Find The Leader' which involved the groups to work as a team in order to find where the certain leaders were hiding. As the leaders were found the groups received puzzles pieces to a verse which they had to figure out and build. The verse was, "My steps have held to your path, my feet have not yet stumble" Psalm 17:5. The game taught the children that it is important to seek follow God's path together. Saturday night had many hearts poured out to God as the Uitenhage Baptist band lead us in praise and worship followed by our second guest speaker Hyram who taught us that God has a journey for all of us, but we have to have a heart filled of Jesus because he is a necessity for our journey.  The night ended off with marshmallows and hot chocolate around a bonfire where we continued to bond and sing songs.
Sunday the 23rd, the last day. Before our goodbyes we an early morning of aerobics, received wonderful treats from the lovely caterers and had a final message from the third guest speaker Olivia. She taught us that we should carry on and work on our Christian journey even after SU camp. After the great adventure filled weekend we all said our goodbyes. The weekend might be over, but the lessons, experience and memories will stay firmly in our hearts.
A massive thank you to Mrs Elie, Mrs Shelver and Mrs Evert from Muir from making this SU Camp a possibility. A huge thank you to the SU leaders Octavia Johannes, Carison Kramer and Ruane Nel for organising this great event with the help of Mateenah Langford. Also a special thank you to the whole  SCA Riebeek and Muir committee for taking the time to teach the juniors about the love of Jesus.

 April 24, 2017
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2017 continued
Angelique Tee

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