

BY admin

Grade 4s made thank you cards for Mrs Stear.
The Grade 5s wrote, practiced and performed an anti-litter song.
Mystery Encouraging Posters are popping up around the school.
The Grade 7s experienced the joy of Friend of the Week today. Each learner drew a random name from a jar and had to write a letter to their friend. These letters were shared in class and were filled with kind words and compliments. The girls embraced this meaningful bonding experience as they shared many hugs and laughs and even some tears with their classmates. They cannot wait to have a new Friend of the Week next week!
Hostel girls made tea for the staff. 
Gr 11s prepared tea for the ladies in the kitchen and gave them a break while they volunteered to wash dishes, serve tea and coffee, pack neatly, clean up, neaten up and spoil others. #inspired (The photos show that doing for others is a lot of fun!) #payitforward
Our newly elected Head Girl wrote a note and Mrs Viljoen gave it to a Grade 4. When the Grade 4 read the note, she told the class how wonderful it felt to read that you are loved and special. So, one class wrote to the other class and surprised them with an encouraging note for each girl in the class.
The matrics collected tinned food as an act of kindness before trials.
Gr 11s watched Juniors practice Creative Arts plays, gave tips and compliments.

 # W. R. A. K. WEEK OF RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS: It is National Book Week and Mrs Stear took time out from the hectic office schedule to visit the Grade 4s to read books to them. 
A book is a dream that you hold in your hand. – Neil Gaiman
Books are the bees which carry the quickening pollen from one to another mind. - James Russell Lowell
Books are a uniquely portable magic. - Stephen King
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire. - W. B. Yeats
# W. R. A. K. WEEK OF RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS: A group of Grade 11s volunteered to wash teachers' cars as an act of appreciation for all the teachers do for the Riebeek girls. 36 learners washed 16 cars. They report it was physically exhausting and their parents say that they will be asking them to do their cars too. Well done, Casey Els and the Grade 11s for this kindness. In return, teachers were asked to pay it forward and some teachers have made a donation to SPCA while others have undertaken another act of kindness.

# W. R. A. K. WEEK OF RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS... The Grade 7s thought it would be a great way to start the week by sharing their appreciation of the lovely tuckshop ladies. They surprised the dedicated ladies with hugs and thank you cards this morning. These ladies have an important job in keeping our girls fed and happy!

 September 02, 2018
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