
Inter House Gala


The annual Inter-House gala was hosted at the Riebeek Penny Haynes Pool on Tuesday 25 March. Despite the intense heat it was a highly enjoyable day. Well done to all the swimmers and non-swimmers for participating with such energy. The prize for Best Theme and Dance went to Elton, and Eleanor was awarded Best Spirit and named the Overall Winners. Thank you to all the staff for their efforts, especially Mr Reynolds and Mr Lawson for officiating, and Mrs Hickson, Mr Calitz and Mr Weidemann for forming the Riebeek Relay Team.

Mini Fun Gala


The Mini Fun Gala held on 14 March was thoroughly enjoyed by the juniors. Thank you Miss Johnson and the participants. This years Mini Fun Gala started with the cheerleaders dances which was won by Elizabeth house. Elton was 2nd and Eleanor 3rd. Then we had a swimming demonstration by the Gr 7 Beginner swimmers to show the water safety skills we have taught them at beginner swimming this year. The Ashes race was narrowly won by the Muir boys but it was a nail biting finish and the girls swam so well. There was great support from the parents and the tuckshop did a roaring trade and seemed to be a hive of activity all day. Thanks to all the staff for their help. Miss Johnson reports that it is wonderful to be part of such an enthusiastic team of teachers.

 March 30, 2014
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