
Hamba kakuhle, Mrs Gunter

BY Mrs S. Gerber

At the start of 2013, Nicola McEwan wrote for the school magazine about new arrival, Mrs Gunter: “There was one query prominent more than the rest. Who was the mysterious new Life Sciences teacher? The girls were delighted to discover just how caring, happy and genuine their new teacher was and her American accent and pop quizzes made her popular.”
Mrs Gunter’s sense of compassion extended to learners who experienced difficulties. She was also adept at handling the opinionated debating girls, firm and fair with her Grade 8 babies who saw their grade head as mommy-in-chief, and considerate of all her colleagues. Mrs Gunter is loyal, professional and trustworthy. She works hard and passionately.

She is a wonderful mom and she is very much loved by her American family, who are truly as nice and sincere as she is. This is a family that make the world a better place. Their gain is definitely our loss but we are grateful that Mrs Gunter spent some time on SA soil and know she will have many tales to tell of her time with us.
Mrs Viljoen said of her friend, “There are some people in life whom make you laugh a little louder, make your smile a little broader and make your life a bit better. Thank you, Mrs Gunter, for being that person in our lives. You have shown us the true meaning of unconditional friendship in so many ways. You were always there! Not just in times of happiness, but importantly, in times of trouble. Good friends like you are hard to find, harder to leave and impossible to forget. You will be sorely missed but we wish you the best.”
Mrs Gunter wrote this farewell message from the heart, “Riebeek College is truly a special place. I have found such happiness and academic excellence in these corridors and classrooms. The staff have become a second family and I will miss them terribly. The beautiful young ladies of Riebeek are an amazing bunch and I have learned so much from them over the past four years. I will miss trying to convince the girls how to speak with the correct accent and the fun we have had together learning and growing.”
In that 2013 article by Nicola McEwan, Mrs Gunter indicated that she would like to be remembered as friendly, happy, fair, caring, genuine and generous. How good it is to report that that is exactly how we will remember her
 December 04, 2016
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Mrs S. Gerber

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