
Liqhawe Nogampula


"It's not just about having memories. It's also about making new ones that'll last a lifetime." - Amahle Ntabeni. Grade 7 was an awesome year and a pool party was just the perfect way to end it off, but it wasn't just our final pool party... it was also a party for Mrs Chrysostomou's birthday which is in December.  It was the first time she celebrated her birthday at school. The theme, which was Tropical, got girls dressed up in Hawaiian and pineapple themed outfits. Everyone contributed towards a gift for Mrs Chrysostomou and made it a  memorable occasion for all. The party was the perfect way to get us ready for exams as it was a break which we all needed. It was a day of celebration and looking back on previous years as we had our Final Assembly earlier on that day. The assembly got some in tears, but the pool party replaced those tears with smiles and laughter. Mrs Woods planned everything to a tee, making sure that Mrs Chrysostomou didn't know what was happening. The girls suprisingly kept the secret from her and on the day made sure that she enjoyed it. The girls partied around the pool for two lessons and we had a splash. Thank you to our teachers, Mrs Woods and Mrs Chrysostomou, for all the effort that the put into making our Grade 7 year a fun and enjoyable year. Thank you to Mrs Stear for allowing us to have such an eventful day and, finally, thank you to the Grade 7s for just being themselves and making every year together a memorable year.  

 November 20, 2017
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